Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Papa's got a brand new blog

I've decided that I might luck out and reach some more eyeballs if I posted my news up on blogger as well as on my 'official news page' ( . My google analytics should let me know. For previous posts, please click on that link to see what I've been up to until now.

February has seen me sending out my first round of self promo postcards. I've been focusing on the Canadian publishing industry, but soon will cast the net a bit wider to include international magazines. From there, I'll retreat back to native soil again to target Canuck advertising agencies. Hopefully I'll get some nibbles.

I think my Killer Kowalski vs Big Foot table is installed at the Freehouse, but don't quote me on that. I dropped it off there over a week ago, so I'm just assuming.

I'd made that Killer Kowalski mask to provide a villain for my son's Batman.

Batman won the battle.

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