Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Derby Doodles and Dutch Pride

Holy Cow, I've been off the blog for a while, eh? Well, here's a quick update. That nasty flu turned out to be pneumonia. Fun stuff. I was wishing that there was a market for lung butter. I'd have been a wealthy man. I'm mostly better, but there is still some rattle when I breathe.
I'm in twitter now -  http://twitter.com/gavindelint. Follow me. I'll try to amuse you at least as much as I offend you.
I'm still drawing, I haven't quit to farm pineapples or to go to private detective school (not that I haven't thought of it), but all of my drawing has been for projects that haven't really seen the light of day yet. There's the comic that I, along with my buddy and writer Jake Gosselin, will be pimping at Comic-Con International in a couple of weeks (HOLY CRAP IT'S ONLY A COUPLE OF WEEKS AWAY). There's also a Roller Derby related project that I'm working on with my wife that we should be launching sooner than later. It's had me in a derby frame of mind, so here are some derby doodles, just so that this post has some art.
Also, I've been devoting a little bit of time to following the Netherlands as they go for the World Cup. Finals this Sunday, versus Germany or Spain. HUP HOLLAND!!!